Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Nearly Bed Time

Nearly bed time - again! I think I got an hour earlier before Scarlett woke up for her first feed and I'm off to bed again once i've finished this.

She's sleeping now on a pillow on my lap - I tend to leave her for a bit before I carry her back to her cot and then fingers crossed she stays asleep.

She wolfed her bottle but then unfortunately puked all over me - it was like projectile vomiting, i couldn't get out the way. I changed her, she's okay now - it's just me that smells of baby sick.

I've got a feeling that unfortunately she might wake up a bit sooner than normal because of the sick - there was alot of it and I think she might be hungry again very soon! Sorry Suz, your turn next!

Night all

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:The Nursery

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