Friday, 25 March 2011

Lifeline, Premier Foods

Just fed Scarlett, just waiting for her to fall asleep and then I'm going to start work.

First thing first is too email a quote over to the lady at Premier Foods, there after some A6 Health and Safety Notebooks. There the same books that i produced for Barry at a different Premier Foods site but this lady wants a couple of changes making to the front cover. I've sorted a price out with the printer and I'm going to email her everything over first thing.

Lifeline - had a nice email from Tim, one of the co-owners, he's very happy with the logo and the first concept for the web page. I might post email on here later, I've not actually met him yet but he seems a very funny man.

Quistel - the horse box is nearly done. I've just got to make a couple of alterations to the colour of some of the type. The artwork is then going to be sent to the horse box owner, who can check that it will fit okay.

I've got Daybreak on here - what a load of rubbish!

Scarlett's still awake!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Living Room

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