Thursday, 31 March 2011

April Fools Day

Me again...

April fools day today, well only just. I wonder what's the earliest a joke has ever been played on someone? I'd like to play a couple of jokes on me dad and suzie but I'm having trouble thinking of any! My brains have literally turned to mush.

Well i am, again, in the process of feeding Scarlett 'little sheep' Ryan - the most beautiful little baby in the world. I'm past the half way stage, past the first half of the bottle, past the first winding, past the nappy change - I've wiped her little weepy right eye with cotton wool and just give her another ounce of milk. She's now recharging before she gathers her last bit of strength to finish of the bottle which will then hopefully lead her back to the land of nod.

I'm feeling pretty tired myself, it's been a pretty stressful day... It started pretty promising but then quickly fell apart. I started the day, early this morning and my mission was to sort out my cluttered desk and messy desktop. I was winning everything was going to plan, I even managed to send a few emails to naughty clients of mine that owe me money. I was just going to print a letter off that I'd prepared to send my worst former client, basically it was letter threatening them with court action unless they settle their bill. I was just about to press print when a message popped up telling me that new software was available for my printer, I really wish I hadn't clicked okay. The new software installed and requested that I restart my computer, which is when I realised that I was in big trouble. Me mac wouldn't start up, I started seeing error messages that I'd never seen before and everything that I tried to fix it failed. I really thought that I was going to lose all my work, that's how bad it was. Thankfully I tried one last thing and amazingly it worked - it was the last throw of the dice and I managed to get the mac to start up and all my files were safe. I having a big clean up tomorrow and everything will get sorted out and backed up!

I should have been finishing a load of work off for Tracey Peake this afternoon but the mac let me down, I'm going to have to try and get it all done tomorrow morning.

Right Scarlett wants the rest of her bottle and I want my bed! Night all.

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Location:Feeding Room

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Wednesday - think

Breaking news - just had another job confirmed, lifeline now want me to do their stationery as well! So I need to get cracking on that as soon as.

Spent this morning working on a poster for Peake Health - it's a kind of collage/photo montage to celebrate this guy losing 10 stone in 9 months, oh and its his birthday. Also did a newspaper advert the other day for the same reason.

Off to the vets again to pick Eric medicine up and then back to work. We in April yet?

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Location:Front Bedroom

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Nearly Bed Time

Nearly bed time - again! I think I got an hour earlier before Scarlett woke up for her first feed and I'm off to bed again once i've finished this.

She's sleeping now on a pillow on my lap - I tend to leave her for a bit before I carry her back to her cot and then fingers crossed she stays asleep.

She wolfed her bottle but then unfortunately puked all over me - it was like projectile vomiting, i couldn't get out the way. I changed her, she's okay now - it's just me that smells of baby sick.

I've got a feeling that unfortunately she might wake up a bit sooner than normal because of the sick - there was alot of it and I think she might be hungry again very soon! Sorry Suz, your turn next!

Night all

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Location:The Nursery

Friday, 25 March 2011

Lifeline, Premier Foods

Just fed Scarlett, just waiting for her to fall asleep and then I'm going to start work.

First thing first is too email a quote over to the lady at Premier Foods, there after some A6 Health and Safety Notebooks. There the same books that i produced for Barry at a different Premier Foods site but this lady wants a couple of changes making to the front cover. I've sorted a price out with the printer and I'm going to email her everything over first thing.

Lifeline - had a nice email from Tim, one of the co-owners, he's very happy with the logo and the first concept for the web page. I might post email on here later, I've not actually met him yet but he seems a very funny man.

Quistel - the horse box is nearly done. I've just got to make a couple of alterations to the colour of some of the type. The artwork is then going to be sent to the horse box owner, who can check that it will fit okay.

I've got Daybreak on here - what a load of rubbish!

Scarlett's still awake!

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Location:Living Room

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Sleep Depravation

Scarlett was one week old yesterday... Where does the time go!

I've been on night duty with her and shes been pretty good - only got up twice, 1:30 ish and about 5:30. I was up with her for a good couple of hours at 1:30 - she took some feeding and then it was hard work getting her to settle. She's just 3 quarters of a bottle and is now sleeping on my lap - I might see if she wants to finish this bottle before I attempt to put her back in bed. I'm also going back for a couple of hours!

Going have to get cracking today on all this quistel and peake health work, I've got lots and lots to do including a horse box, poster, three leaflets, magazine advert, label and invoices!

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Location:Back Bedroom Again

Work Update

I've just finished feeding Scarlett and she is now sleeping on a pillow on my lap. This parenting lark is much harder than I thought it would be but i think we're getting there. She seems to struggle to settle at night, I'm not really sure why - She is suffering with a bit of a blocked nose which is obviously affecting her breathing a bit. We're supposed to be making sure that we feed her every 3 hours at the moment to help with the jaundice, but I think it's better if we feed on demand and then she seems to sleep better.

This was supposed to be about work... Lots of work on for quistel at the minute, including a horse box! Also started back working for redmoran - I've got to be there in an hour, so I better get my skates on!

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Location:Back Bedroom

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Nearly Home Time

Scarlett is finally off the UV lamp - her test results came back good and we just need to get through this next 8 hours without her turning yellow again.
If she passes the next check then we should be able to take her home tomorrow morning, I can't wait.

She's been brilliant today, slept for most of it, eating every couple of hours - the lamp seems to have done the trick because she doesn't look quite as yellow.

Can't wait for her to meet Eric x

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Location:Room 9 M2 Ward

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

The Dreaded Jaundice

"I took a day to search for God, And found Him not; but as I trod, By rocky ledge, through woods untamed, Just where one scarlet lily flamed, I saw His footprint in the sod." -William Bliss Carman

Another day in the hospital - we were all hoping to go home today but they've kept Suzie and Scarlett in for another day. Suzie is fine but Scarlett has jaundice - they did a test on her and she was borderline, so unfortunately she has had to spend the day under a UV lamp, which she definitely doesn't like.

Fingers crossed it works and then I can bring them home tomorrow x

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Location:M2 Ward

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Scarlett Ryan

Scarlett finally made her long awaited appearance at 3:45 this morning, Tuesday the 15th of March. She weighed 7.5 lbs and is absolutely beautiful. Her mum did brilliantly, suzie was incredible, I'm so proud of her. X

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Location:Home Sweet Home

Monday, 14 March 2011

Could today be the day

Why are we waiting...

Been here again all day - suzie is in labour but we're waiting on a ward for a space in the labour ward. She's doing great - really well, I'm really proud of her. To be honest I'd happily wait all night if that's what it took

Eve is here now as well.

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Location:Hopeless hospital

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Sunday The 13th

Today could very well be the day. Friday was terribly frustrating - awfully long wait in the hospital. Can't blame the staff - there was hardly any of them there - let's blame the torries.

Anyway after a five an half hour wait we were finally seen by the doctor and then by the midwife. We were very happy to discover that Scarlett is on her way and the general feeling was that she would make an appearance within the next 24 hours.

We were allowed to go home and wait for the labour to start and we're still waiting. There have definitely been a few signs such as some contractions but it hasn't kick started as yet. scarlett I'm afraid seems to be a bit like me, she likes to take her time, 'what's the rush?'.

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Friday, 11 March 2011

Four hours & counting

Waiting in the hospital again, been here 4 hours! No news yet.

Waiting for the doctor, I think they will probably send us home.

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Location:No hope hospital

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Wednesday nearly Friday

Pretty stressful day for suz, numerous reasons but hopefully things will be better tomorrow. All this really doesn't help.

Scarlett isn't here yet although this is now the second day that she has threatened to make an appearance. I've a funny feeling that it might be tomorrow!

Going to try and sleep now but to be honest I've got far too much going round my head.

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Location:In bed

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Is today the day?

Well I said the 8th and we're in the hospital so I suppose there's a chance but I think they will send us home.

Suzie blood pressure was high, so she's having some tests - things look alright so far but we should find out soon!

Maybe not today but soon Scarlett x

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Location:Hope hospital

Monday, 7 March 2011

I Don't Like Mondays

Let's not talk about the football.

To be honest it's been a pretty bad week for a number of reasons but hopefully we might have some better luck this week.

Work is looking more promising, I've got a logo to design and I'm close to securing a couple more web projects which I can hopefully nail this week. One man and his monk might be busy this next couple of months.

Going continue emailing my March promo this week and also try to add a few more new companies to my list.

Playing football with the lads tonight for the first time in years, should be interesting!

Michael Carrick hang your head in shame

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Location:Weymouth Rd

Friday, 4 March 2011

Spring Some Life Into Your Business

March is going to be a busy month for several reasons both personally and hopefully professionally.

In regards to the business, I'm running my email campaign over the next week to promote my special offer on leaflets and flyers. So far I've only sent a couple of hundred but I may have landed a pretty big local company - fingers crossed.

Business has been pretty quiet to be honest, lots of things in the pipeline, jobs on the horizon - just got to be patient.

Having terrible trouble with one of my client who are now refusing to pay for design work that was done last October! The company changed managers and the new manager is refusing to pay for the work - I think I'm going to have to take it to the small claims.

Spent yesterday painting, our bedroom is nearly done - just the wallpaper and carpet to do. Don't think the nursery will be ready in time for Scarlett.

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Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Joe Blogs

Right, starting today I am going to start blogging again. To be honest I never really got started.

Just listening to Sufjan Stevens - The Age Of Adz, not sure if it's his latest, probably not... I find it hard to keep up. I'm getting old! Anyway only on my first listen, I'll let you know.

It's March and I've started my March email campaign - The Great Leaflet Giveaway. Give me a shout if you know anyone who might be interested.

Scarlett isn't here yet but shes coming!

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Location:Jme Studios