Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Busy Doing Nothing

It's been a while crocodile... I know...

I've got no real excuse for the lack of posts on this blog other than time just seems to have got away from me and days have merged into weeks, weeks into months... etc etc

I'm not really sure why I've all of sudden decided to post today, other than the fact that I'm suffering from a dangerous lack of motivation and instead of cracking on with one of the half a dozen of projects I'm currently wrestling with I thought I'd write a new post on my blog about nothing in particular.

This blog in the past has been a bit of a mixed bag... I've used it to promote my business, I've talked about football, music and more importantly Scarlett... who is keeping me busy and probably the main reason why I've neglected this blog. 

This blog from now on will primarily be about family life, football and music... I've got a new blog for my business so I'm going to try and be a bit more professional and keep it separate... I'll probably just moan about work on this one!

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