Friday, 20 January 2012

Brilliant Business Cards

Look and Feel The Business with our Beautifully Designed, 
Cost Effective Brilliant Business Cards

Do you need new business cards designing, 
does your existing card need to be updated (and redesigned) 
or are you running low on stock and need more cards printing.  
If any of these apply to you then give us shout as we can help!

We have some great print deals on at the minute, 
so please get in touch for more information.

Thanks - Jamie

Monday, 16 January 2012

January's Newsletter!!!

Want a copy, want to be on our mailing list?  
Then just send your email address to
and mail you a copy over


Friday, 13 January 2012


Promote your business with one our Lovely Leaflets!
For only £160 we'll Design & Print you a 1000 Custom Designed, 
Original and Distinctive A5 Double-Sided Leaflets.

They really are a great way to effectively promote and advertise your business, 
your products and your services.

So please get in touch for more details, offer is on until the end of February 2012


07736 874 675

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

All The Best For 2012 From Jme Graphic Design

I hope you had a great time over Christmas and the New Year, and now feel suitably rested and ready for what will hopefully be a busy and successful year ahead for all of us!

2011 was a good year for us, of course it had its up and downs but in general it was pretty decent… we gained quite a few new clients and produced some really exciting work.  And to be honest I actually feel quite proud (and relieved) that we have managed to survive another turbulent year because it is a very tough out there and bigger businesses than ourselves have failed.

2012 is already looking like it might be our busiest so far, we’ve already got quite a bit of work on for January and some really interesting projects lined up for the next few months.  But here at Jme Graphic Design we’re hungry for more, we want more new clients and much more work, so we’re plotting our very own promotional campaigns and starting next week we will be advertising our products and services.  So keep an eye out for our Emails, Blogs and Newletters for some Great Deals and Special Offers!

If you are planning any marketing or promotional campaigns that require any Graphic Design, Web Design or Printing this year for your business and would like to discuss them with me then please do get in touch, I would love to hear from you.

Thanks for your time.
