Sunday, 29 May 2011

Nick Rowlands

It's 1:39am and I am of course up feeding Scarlett 'Little Sheep' Ryan - feeding her with my right hand while I type this with my left (on my phone)... I'm like an Octopus!

This is her late night feed, she's supposed to have it at 11 but she's a slept right through to now. Hopefully if I can get her drink it all we might get to sleep all the way through until 6!

We actually had a night off on Saturday - Scarlett slept over at my Mums for the first time and me and Suzie had our first full nights sleep since Scarlett's arrival. Well I say full... I woke up at 5, 6 and 7 - eventually my body realised that Scarlett wasn't there and then I slept until 10:15!

We went to watch the game in the Little Welli, the less said about that the better but I think we both enjoyed the night out. Most of the lads went down to London to watch it but I'm glad I didn't - long way to go to get beat.

Rob, Owl and Nick Rowlands were out - I was quite amazed to find out that Nick reads my blog. I think he might be the only one... So this post is dedicated to Nick 'Bagpuss' Rowlands.

Right I'm going to wrap this up quickly - Scarlett has just caned her bottle and is looking sleepy... I could be back in bed in 10.

What else... Made diner for me mum and Suzie - roast beef, went down very well. Eric has hurt his leg - looks bad, hes not putting any weight on it, I think we might be going to the vets tomorrow.

Night All

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Ryan Residence

Friday, 20 May 2011

It's Been A While

I know, I know...

I keep forgetting to post, must do better. To be honest, before I was mainly posting in the early hours when Scarlett was feeding but now she can almost sleep through. Plus she feeds much quicker, so I don't get the opportunity. I will have to try and make time.

Anyway here's a picture of Scarlett with a horse on her head! Night all

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone