Thursday, 28 April 2011

3:35 AM

Just a quick catch up. I'm up feeding Scarlett, well I've finished feeding her and I'm just waiting for her too fall into a deep deep sleep - which at the moment is proving a bit difficult.

Tomorrow/Today is the Royal Wedding and the country has gone absolutely mad - I never realised just how popular the Royals were, there are people camping out in Westminster. Crazy, some have been there all week! The supermarkets are empty, people are fighting over scraps of bread - it seems like everyone in the country is having some kind of party or BBQ. I know we're having one, it's just a bit of an excuse really... I suspect most people are like myself and don't give a toss about the Royal family - this is just one big excuse to get drunk.

Look at me being all topical and rambling on when I'm supposed to be quick. Anyway Scarlett's & Suzie are both doing great, we have just had Andy Mansfield stay with us for a couple of days which was nice. Family BBQ tomorrow, although we're missing a few important member - I'll say no more.

Work is still pretty good - still got a few projects on for Peake Health & it's related companies which I could do with finishing, I need to get paid. Also going to really concentrate on getting more new clients in the next week.

United are marching on - looked brilliant against Schalke!

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Friday, 22 April 2011

Good Friday... Not Bad

Well we're actually on the Saturday after Good Friday... It's very early Saturday morning about 2:00 am. I got up not too long ago with Little Sheep because she fancied some milk - babies 'eh!

Good Friday was pretty hard work - I spent most of the day on my knees grouting the tiles in the kitchen. It's an horrible job made even more difficult by the fact that the tiles have been in place for a year or more and we had to get rid of all debris and shit that had fallen between them. To be fair it was a team effort, my Mum helped with the grouting and did some gardening, my Dad finished the wall papering and did some painting, Eve did some gardening and a bit of everything else, Frankle watched and even Suzie's Dad made an appearance with a box of Cobras.

Suzie was on Scarlett duty, she was a bit restless and threw up all over her Grandad Chris! It's been another boiling day here - it's still very humid now although it did start chucking it down this evening. Luckily we had just finished having BBQ at my Mum and Dads.

I suppose it's been a good day, I would have liked to have got the back room grouted as well but we ran out of time. It would have been nice to have spent some more time outside, but i'm happy we got as much done as we did.

It's been such a long time since my last entry, I feel like I need to do a little recap! Deep breath, well... Suzie's Mum went back to the US on Monday, which was sad for Suz, but it sounds like she might be back sooner than expected - really feel for Gregg, he's a good guy. Frank damaged his ankle at football on Monday night, apparently that's him retired! Scarlett's doing great, we're all still knackered but last night was much better. Winton Park has been done up - lots of new swings, climbing frames and even an outdoor children's gym! Scarlett's a bit young for it, so I haven't been able to have a go yet... It's shame I used to know three young boys that would have loved it.... God I miss them x

Eve and Frank are in the process of buying a house on our street - fingers crossed it goes through... We're taking over the street, we're going to rename it Rymouth Road.

Work is good, work is strong! Plenty on, couple of new clients, reconnected with an old one and I'm close to moving into the funeral business... Don't ask, more details to follow!

Last but not least, we've got a house guest coming to stay on Monday... Drum roll please... Mr Andy Mansfield!

One last thing, come on the reds, let's get this league wrapped up!

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Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Feeling Very Sleepy

Quick one this hopefully... I'm feeling very tired and I want to go to bed.

Scarlett is sleeping on my lap but she can't fool me, I know the minute I move her to her bed she will wake up and then I'll have to bring her back here and feed her the rest of the bottle.

Quick work update, I've been very busy these last two days and its looking like i'm going to be very busy for the rest of the week. It is of course a good thing and I like being busy but to be honest it's been very difficult because I'm so tired! I've never valued sleep so much, never realised how important it is. I'm struggling to function, my brain is turning to mush!

Tomorrow I have a 4N networking meeting in Salford quays first thing in the morning. I then need to pay a cheque into the bank, pick up some printing and then get cracking on some print and web work. I just want to sleep all day!

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Location:Sat In Chair

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Yawn Yawn Yawn

God I'm tired, I thought I was getting used to these late night, early morning feeds but the last few days have easily been the toughest. For some reason Scarlett has been quite restless this last few days and we've really been struggling to get her to sleep for more than three hours at a time. She's also been very restless in the day, so it's been hard for both Suzie and myself to catch up in the day.

I was hoping today would have been a bit more relaxing and that I/we would have had chance to sleep but I ended up doing the garden and before you know it the day has flown by! We're both absolutely exhausted but little Scarlett is definitely worth it. X

I thought Suzie was going to need hospital treatment before, she developed these really severe stomach pains just before we were going to bed. She was in agony, and was pacing round the room... She couldn't even lie down because it hurt her even more and the pain made her very breathless. We ended up ringing NHS Direct, and thankfully Suzies symptoms had subsided before the nurse rang back. Not really sure what caused it.

Busy week again this week, I need to hit the ground running although I'm not sure how I'm going to find the energy to do it! I've got plenty of work on plus I need to keep marketing myself. Plenty of emails and I need to carry on my hard work on twitter, which I'm starting to use more and more everyday. I've got a networking meeting on Wednesday that I'm looking forward too - now is the time to really push the business!

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Location:Away From My Bed

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

April Offer

We've had a NEW Arrival at Jme Graphic Design, our beautiful baby daughter Scarlett ... and to celebrate we have not One but Two Very Special Offers For You.

After the great success of last months FREE Flyers Offer, we've decided to extend it to the end of April, the offer for those of you that don't know is that for a £100 we will design you a Double-Sided Flyer and throw in an incredible 250 Prints For FREE.

To compliment this fantastic offer, we're introducing a great NEW Special Offer on Business Cards, for £75 we will custom design you an original distinctive Business Card and, yes you've guessed it, we will throw in 250 Prints for FREE.

Email me for more details.

Thanks Jamie

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Location:Jme Graphic Design